PhD Students

Rev. Anjeanette Allen
[email protected]Field of Study
Pastoral and Practical Theology, Bioethics, and Womanist Theology
BS, Northeastern University
MPA, New York University
MDiv, Princeton Theological Seminary

William Andrews, Jr.
[email protected]Field of Study
Bible, Culture, and Hermeneutics
BA, Spanish Language and Literatures, The College of William and Mary
MDiv, Union-PSCE
ThM, Biblical Studies, Union-PSCE

Jared Beverly
[email protected]Field of Study
Hebrew Bible
BA, Oklahoma Christian University
MTS, Emory University

Rebecca Blackburn
[email protected]Field of Study
Biblical Hermeneutics
BSW, Spring Arbor University
MA, Spring Arbor University

Whitney Bond
[email protected]Field of Study
Theology, Ethics, and the Human Sciences (Human Sexuality & Black Church Culture)
BA, Spelman College
MDiv (with Black Church Studies Certificate), The Candler School of Theology at Emory University
Phd Student, Chicago Theological Seminary

Rev Rachelle Brown
[email protected]Field of Study
Theology; American Religious History
MA, Missouri State University
MDiv, Eden Theological Seminary

Rev. Danielle Buhuro
[email protected]Field of Study
Violence, Social Media, Pastoral Care; Womanist Theology
B.A., Chicago State University
M.Div., Chicago Theological Seminary
D.Min., Chicago Theological Seminary

Wei-Jen Chen
[email protected]Field of Study
Sacred Text Hermeneutical Strategies and LGBTQ Studies
BBA, National Cheng-Chi University (Taiwan)
BTh, Taiwan Theological College and Seminary (Taiwan)
MDiv, Tainan Theological College and Seminary (Taiwan)
STM, Chicago Theological Seminary
MSc, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Arlicia Corley
[email protected]Field of Study
Womanist Theology, Christian Ethics, & Public Health
BS, University of Illinois at Chicago
MS, Chicago State University
MPH, University of Illinois at Chicago, School of Public Health
MDiv, Chicago Theological Seminary

Lindsay Cowett
[email protected]Field of Study
Theology, Ethics, and Culture
BA, Bridgewater College 2008
MDiv, Eastern Mennonite Seminary 2016
STM, Chicago Theological Seminary 2021

The Rev. Elle Dowd
[email protected]Field of Study
Theology and Ethics (Bisexual Theology)
BA in Religious Studies, Iowa State University
MDiv with Bible Emphasis, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago

Rev. Brian Foulks
[email protected]Field of Study
Black Religious Thought and Culture
BS, Benedict College
MAR, Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary of Lenoir-Rhyne
STM, Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary of Lenoir-Rhyne
PhD, Chicago Theological Seminary

Jamel Garrett
[email protected]Field of Study
Africana Religious Studies & History, Transatlantic Slave Trade/Middle Passage Studies
BA, Carthage College
MA, Chicago Theological Seminary

Rev. Cheryl Green
[email protected]Field of Study
LiberationTheology, Ethics, and Women
BA, Roosevelt University
MDiv, North Park Theological Seminary
STM, Chicago Theological Seminary

Thomas Grinter
[email protected]Field of Study
Bible, Culture and Hermeneutics
ThM, Princeton Theological Seminary
MDiv, Hood Theological Seminary
BS, Western Kentucky University

Yoshua Harahap
[email protected]Field of Study
Theology and Cultural Criticism
BD, Jakarta Theological Seminary
MTh, Jakarta Theological Seminary

Rev. Marshall Hatch Jr
[email protected]Field of Study
Philosophy & Religious Practice
BA, Bates College
MDiv University of Chicago Divinity School
AM, University of Chicago Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy and Practice

Haeman Hong-Shin
[email protected]Field of Study
Systematic Theology
BTh, Hanshin University
MDiv, New York Theological Seminary
STM, Union Theological Seminary in New York

Rev. Jeffrey Hubers
[email protected]Field of Study
Political Theology and Christian Nationalism
BA, Northwestern College
MDiv, Western Theological Seminary

Quincy James Rineheart
[email protected]Field of Study
African American Religious History and Cultural Studies
BA, Literature, Wilberforce University
MDiv, Ethics and Theology, Emory University
STM, Theology, Chicago Theological Seminary

Leenah Safi
[email protected]Field of Study
Practical Theology
BA, Zaytuna College
MDiv, Chicago Theological Seminary

Cornelius Shaw
[email protected]Field of Study
Theology, Cosmology, & Science
BA, Cornerstone University
MA, Anderson University

Nolan Shaw
[email protected]Field of Study
African Cosmology, Indigenous African Religions, Life-Cycle Development, and the Black Church
BS, Southern University (Baton Rouge)
MA, Southern University (Baton Rouge)
MDiv, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary (Evanston)
DMin, McCormick Theological Seminary (Chicago)

Aisha Subhan
[email protected]Field of Study
Islamic and Interreligious Studies
BA, University of California, San Diego
MA, Bayan Islamic Graduate School

Lori J Taylor
[email protected]Field of Study
Theology and Cultural Criticism
BA, Howard University
MDiv, Chicago Theological Seminary
MA, University of Chicago

Marsha Thrall
[email protected]Field of Study
Ethics, Theology and Culture
MTS, Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary
BA, Mount Mary University

Montegomery Tugwete
[email protected]Field of Study
Pastoral Psychology, Leadership & Human Development
BTh, Harare Theological College
BTh (Hons), Harare Theological College
MATS, Episcopal Divinity School
STM, Chicago Theological Seminary

Howard Wiley
[email protected]Field of Study
Theology of Culture, Critical Theory, and Africana Religious Studies
BA, Kent State University
MDiv, Union Theological Seminary in New York City
MPhil, Union Theological Seminary in New York City
PhD Candidate, Chicago Theological Seminary
Alumni Dissertations
- Zaynab Shahar, Insurgent Assemblies: Gender, Ritual Obligation, and Public Religious Space (Rachel Mikva)
- HyongJu Byon, The Welcoming of Trace(s): The Politics of the Messianic Doubling (Ken Stone)
- Melanie Jones, Up Against a Crooked Gospel: Black Women’s Bodies and the Politics of Redemption in Religion and Society (JoAnne Terrell)
- Candace Laughinghouse, Nobody’s Free Until Everybody’s Free: Expanding Coalition Politics Through Anti-Speciest Ecowomanism (JoAnne Terrell)
- Sang Hun Han, Liberation via Process: Toward a Korean Religious Liberation Theology (Bo Myung Seo)
- Eugene Muhammad, Facing the Nation: A Theo-Philosophical Examination of Media and Academic Violence Towards the Nation of Islam and the (Un)veiling of the Nation’s Levinasian Face (JoAnne Terrell)
- Eric Biddy, Ecclesial Ethics: Baggy Ethics For A Messy Church (JoAnne Terrell)
- Aaron Higashi Reading the Rain: The Ethics of Everyday Resistance in Ezra 10 (Ken Stone)
- Seok Beom Hyun, Political Mysticism & Messianism: Thomas Muntzer & Liberation Theologies’ Spirituality (Bo Myung Seo)
- Malene Minor Johnson, African Americans and Candomblé: an Africana Religious Critique of U.S. Neoliberal Culture from 1970-2000 (Lee Butler)
- Zachary Selby, The Historiographic Herem: Narrative Production, Class Ideology, and the Deuteronomistic History (Ken Stone)
- Shea Watts, Where The Spirit Is: Pentecostal Worship, Affect, Ritual, and Liberative Praxis (Ken Stone)
- Sunhee Jun, Voices from the Othered: An Interpretation of Mark 16:1-8 from a Postcolonial Feminist Perspective (Seung Ai Yang)
- Jean Derricotte-Murphy. A view from the balcony: opera through womanist eyes (JoAnne Terrell)
- Tony Hoshaw, Gay Culture: Place for Gay Theology (Ken Stone)
- Suk-Min Jang, A Study of the History of the Reception and Influence of Reinhold Niebuhr’s Theology in Korea (Bo Myung Seo)
- David Michel, Toward an Ecclesiology of Racial Reconciliation: A Pentecostal Perspective (Julia Speller)
- Uk Ryel Ryu, Attaining the Body of Christ: Consideration of the Performative Value of Liturgy (Scott Haldeman)
- Regina Shands Stoltzfus, The Unexpected and Complicated Presence of African American Women in Mennonite Churches (Julia Speller)
- Jerrolyn Sue Eulinberg, A Lynched Black Wall Street: A Womanist Perspective on Terrorism, Religion, and Black Resilience of the 1921 Tulsa Massacre (Lee H. Butler, Jr.)
- Nathan Agee, Through a Glass Darkly: Re-membering the Body of Christ from the Outside (Ted Jennings)
- Virgil Brower III, The Savor of Spirit (Contribution to the Theory of the Kiss, II) (Ted Jennings)
- Brandon Grafius, Reading Phinehas, Viewing Slashers: Numbers 25 and Horror Theory (Tim Sandoval)
- Su-Hyun Han, Jamesonian Reading of Paul’s Resurrection of the Dead in 1 Corinthians 15 (Seung Ai Yang)
- Teresa Smallwood, The Leprosy Effect: The Treatment of Queer People in Black Church Theology (Lee H. Butler, Jr.)
- Jonah Waseberg, Feathering Nakedness: Healing the Trauma of the Disowned in Psychoanalysis and Ethics (JoAnne Terrell)
- Joellen Hosler Worship as Emancipatory Praxis: Transforming the Dynamics of Domination (Scott Haldeman)
- Giseok Joo, A Theological and Philosophical Critique of Nationalism and the Nation State: Reading Barth and Derrida (Ted Jennings)
- Gwangwoo Ju, Transcendence of God as Proliferation (Bo Myung Seo)
- Karl Villarmea, On The Political: An Investigation on the Political in Contemporary Theological Movements (Ted Jennings)
- Colleen Hartung, Breaking and Sharing: Participant Agency and the Eucharistic Liturgy and Holy Wisdom Monastery (Scott Haldeman)
- Dennis R. Koehn, Psychology, Theology, and Ideology Shape Decisions on War and Peace: A Study of Billy Graham, Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Vietnam War (Bo Myung Seo)
- Angela N. Parker, Bodies, Violence, and Emotions: A Womanist Study of σῶμα and πτῶμα in the Gospel of Mark (Seung Ai Yang)
- Solomon Sudhakar, The Polluted God: A Theology of the Unbecoming Messiah (Ted Jennings)
- Penny L. Taylor, She Reached Out In Faith: A Pastoral Theology Interpretation of Anxiety (Lee H. Butler, Jr.)
- Sang Cheol Lee, The Turn to The Other: A Conversation With Levinasian Ethics and Minjung Theology (Bo Myung Seo)
- Carolyn Roncolato, Accountable Theology: An Epistemological Method for Contextual Feminist Engagement (Laurel Schneider)
- Minkyu Lee, The Breaking of Bread and Matthew’s Communal Identity: A Study of the Metaphor of Bread in the Gospel of Matthew (Seung Ai Yang)
- Marshall Lewis, A Logotherapy Hermeneutic Developed and Applied to the Book of Job (Tim Sandoval)
- Sang Jin Yang, Liberative Educational Philosophy for the Zainichi Korean Church (Julia Speller)
- Dorothy Akoto, The Book of Proverbs and the African Tree of Life: Grafting Biblical Proverbs on to Ghanaian Ewe Folk Proverbs (Tim Sandoval)
- Cristian De La Rosa, Contextual Relationship of Power and Agency: Our Lady of Guadalupe as a Pueblo’s Symbol of Power (Ted Jennings)
- E. L. Kornegay, Jr., Between Jimmy’s Blues and James’s Gospel: Exploring the Promise and Challenge of James Baldwin’s Contributions to Black Theology (Laurel Schneider)
- Vanessa Lovelace, Deborah and Huldah: Symbolic Border Guards in the Deuteronomistic History (Ken Stone)
- InSun Na, A Paradigm of Communal Relationships in Worship based on Trinitarian Language (Dow Edgerton)
- Kenneth Jacobsen, Befriending Reality with our Senses and our Stories: Quakers and the Ethics of Storytelling (Laurel Schneider)
- Melemadathil Pothen Joseph, Nonviolence: A Way of Colonial Resistance, A Study on the Book of Daniel and Mahatma Gandhi (Ken Stone)
- Jennifer Pope, Ambidentified with Christ: The Contemporary Significance of Jesus for Inclusive Congregational Ministry (Julia Speller)
- Matthew Frizzell, Liberation and Economy: Marx, Dussel, and Contemporary Approaches to Theology and Economy (Laurel Schneider)
- Hyo Jun Kim, Christian Formation Through Ritual Process in the Korean American Church (Julia Speller)
- Monica Miller, The ‘Anti-Proper’ in the ‘Popular’: Redescribing the ‘Religious’ in Hip-Hop Culture (Bo Myung Seo)
- Cassandra Trentaz, Risk of a Different Kind: A Reading of Theological Complicity and Possibility in the Age of Global HIV & AIDS (Lee H. Butler, Jr.)
For a complete list of PhD dissertations going back to 1985, please visit: